Sunday, April 20, 2008

There will be pitchers.

It rained all day today; my body woke up at around 9AM to the silent roar of an army of raindrops marching through my courtyard. I did much of nothing today; yesterday I visited Ancient Culture Street, a place where one can buy many "Oriental" "treasures," and Clothing Street, where one can buy 45RMB shoes. I bought nothing but a big delicious bowl of soup on the street with noodles and spices and cabbage and hard-boiled eggs and vegetable dumplings. How much? 3RMB. Um...yes I love things about this country very much. The woman had a station of two tall pots, one with noodles and cabbage, the other with broth, eggs, and dumplings. She would line a large bowl with a plastic bag (for making cleanup a breeze!), fill it with the goodies, and then one would eat at a nearby table.

Photographs will hereby be archived with the help of Picasa; peep below.

Another week--wish me luck.

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